The Committee of 100 Board has approved a position statement supporting the proposed consent order agreed to by Huntsville City Schools and the U.S. Justice Department. Although there are some details that could be debated, the Board believes it is in the best interest of our community to support this school agreement and move forward toward Unitary Status. We have encouraged our members to become familiar with this historic decision and let their opinions be known to the Judge and Huntsville Board of Education. We salute Huntsville City Schools leadership for its hard work in achieving this agreement and their continued efforts to earn Unitary Status.
Committee of 100 Position Statement in Support of Consent Order:
- We believe this Consent Order represents hard work and a spirit of compromise by both parties.
- We believe this Consent Order offers a clear roadmap to earning Unitary Status which will benefit our local education system.
- We believe this Consent Order offers enhanced and equitable academic opportunity for all students.
- We believe the College Academy Magnet at Jemison High School will provide a valuable boost to our workforce development needs, and will benefit the lives of hundreds of students and their families.