The Committee of 100, a local organization of 240 business leaders, announced today its endorsement of Laurie McCaulley and Carlos Mathews for Huntsville Board of Education in Districts 1 and 5, a co-endorsement of Michelda Johnson and Devyn Keith for Huntsville City Council District 1, and the endorsement of John Meredith for Huntsville City Council District 5 in the August 23rd city elections. The Committee of 100 announced on July 18 its endorsement of Huntsville Mayor Tommy Battle.
“Laurie McCaulley and Carlos Mathews have a strong vision to advance academic opportunity and achievement for all students and a deep commitment to high-quality workforce education,” said John Allen, chair of BizPac, the political action arm of the Committee of 100. “McCaulley has proven to be an extraordinary leader during a very difficult process to achieve unitary status, build new schools, and improve academic achievement in District 1 and throughout the system. Mathews offers valuable leadership experience as the president of a technology business, member of the Huntsville Planning Commission, and developer of the Uplifting Huntsville City Schools Facebook page.”
“Michelda Johnson and Devyn Keith both grew up in District 1 and have returned to the area with a deep spirit of public service and new ideas to invigorate the economic vitality and quality of life in District 1 as city council members,” Allen said. “Johnson brings experience as a small business owner and in marketing the new North Huntsville Library, while Keith offers new ideas for District 1 on land use planning and engaging young professionals in local government issues. Both offer a much-needed new vision for North Huntsville and a commitment to citizen engagement and teamwork.”
“John Meredith’s strong leadership skills and breadth of experience in public policy and small business development will be a great asset on the Huntsville City Council representing District 5,” said Allen. “He is deeply committed to working collaboratively with the Mayor and full City Council on creating jobs and improving the quality of life in his district and throughout the entire city. “
Since 1996, BizPac has contributed money and support to candidates for local offices, including Huntsville Mayor and City Council, Madison Mayor and City Council, Huntsville Board of Education, the Madison County Commission, and Madison County Schools Superintendent and Madison County Board of Education.
As part of its mission to encourage civic engagement in local politics, the Committee of 100 also sponsored Rock the Vote 2016 on February 9th for young professionals. This event attracted a large crowd of more than 700 attendees including 45 candidates. About 200 young professionals registered to vote and more than 100 updated voter information at various Rock the Vote events that week.
The Committee of 100’s mission is to serve as a catalyst in stimulating Huntsville-area economic development by working with community partners to develop cooperative solutions. BizPac identifies, develops and encourages visionary, business-oriented candidates with a commitment to cooperative government to run for local public office, and supports them as they serve the community.
For more information about the Huntsville Committee of 100, visit www.HuntsvilleCommitteeof100.org.