The Committee of 100, a local organization of 240 business leaders, announced today its endorsement of Nathan Curry for Madison County School Board District 1 and Angie Bates (Incumbent) for Madison County Board of Education District 2. Both candidates will be on the June 5 ballot.
From BizPac chair Scott Averbuch, “Angie Bates has served since 2012 and believes as we, that high quality public education is the cornerstone of our economy. She has advocated for enhanced business collaboration to offer workforce and career opportunities for students, as well as utilizing data to target areas of opportunity in financial and student achievement. We look forward to continuing to work with Angie and support the Madison County School System.”
Averbuch on Curry, “Nathan Curry was appointed to this position in 2016 and we are proud to endorse him in this election. He is clearly vested in the success of the County School system. He advocates for higher expectations to educate students and prepare them with all skills needed to compete in the workforce of today. He is focused on literacy and proficiency at the early elementary levels, and closing learning and achievement gaps across the entire K-12 learning spectrum.”
Bates on her Committee of 100 endorsement said, “The Committee of 100 actively supports economic development by recognizing the impact our educational system has on the communities’ ability to support a growing economy. As a leader in the pre-K-12 process, I am excited to have their input as a stakeholder and honored to be endorsed through their political engagement.”
Curry added, “I am honored to share the commitment to great public schools in Madison County with the Committee of 100. I look forward to working with business and community leaders to ensure that every student has the opportunity to receive an exceptional education that will prepare them for a successful career and a fulfilling life. I would like to thank the Committee of 100 for their support and willingness to expect more from our local systems”
BizPac interviews, endorses and supports candidates for local offices, including Huntsville Mayor and City Council, Madison Mayor and City Council, Huntsville Board of Education, the Madison County Commission, and Madison County Schools Superintendent and Madison County Board of Education.
The Committee of 100, founded in 1995, is a business organization of 240 CEOs and professionals-including 50 young professionals- committed to long-term strategies that impact economic vitality, supporting high-quality public education, and encouraging cooperative local government.
BizPac identifies, develops and encourages visionary, business-oriented candidates with a commitment to cooperative government to run for local public office, and supports them as they serve the community.
For additional information
Stephanie Lowe
Huntsville Committee of 100